Well, yesterday was an adventure. We had seen No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain on the Travel Channel and he had been in SC trying out Bar-B-Q. Supposedly SC is one of the top states for Bar-B-Q. He was in Charleston and we are at the other end of the state, but there are plenty of places around or so we thought. It was a rainy day so nothing else to do outdoors and off we went. John was also checking out Pawn shops for a pistol. I checked online for any kind of ratings or recommendations for restaurants in the upstate. Found a few and jotted down the names and addresses. After about 4 hours, we found that all the pawn shops were either out of business or closed for the weekend-it must be some kind of blue-law or something. The sporting goods store was also gone. Now I know why they go out of business, because they are never open!
As for the restaurants. Two were closed, one was out of business, and the last one was out of ribs!
We ended up at a restaurant that we've dined at several times and got their ribs which are always superb. Got enough to take home for dinner on Sunday. I will have to call ahead and see exactly what the deal is on these places. Maybe they close up once the food is gone. I have no idea. I'll also check with the locals at work and get their opinion on where the best ones are.
I did pick up a Japanese-English dictionary to help me decifer my tawashi books and patterns that I've downloaded. I will also attempt to learn Japanese through a podcast or two that are ready to be downloaded. Lisa is taking Japanese this quarter at OSU. She can speak some French and pretty good Italian. I have trouble with English.
The fish is a tawashi or magic scrubber. I think that it is pretty close to the pattern. I am working on some from the Magic Scrubber #7. I suppose as long as it is close to what it should look like that is OK. I have ordered several other books and are awaiting their arrival. Next will be some yarn from my friends on Ravelry that have stores on Etsy. I haven't crocheted in ages, so I am relearning-not that I ever made anything significant. I do need to get back to my knitting though. I am not a knitting fanatic. I can only do a few rows at a time. The tawashi are a little quicker and smaller projects, so I am more apt to do those.
Right now though it is tax season and I only have about a week to get mine done and mailed in, so for today I guess I had better get moving and get the torture over with.