It seems that we have an excess of stuff. I look back to everything that I had to sell before we moved and all the money that was invested in those things and I have now become much more frugal and a minimalist. I know it is bad to think back, it just is depressing, but I hope that I can learn from what I had done in the past. It is very difficult to not try to "keep up with the Jones". It must be a human trait.
I am trying not to aquire too large of a stash of anything. I do have fabrics that I have saved for probably 20 years to make something. I kept buying patterns to transform the fabrics into something stylish, but haven't done it yet. I have just set up the sewing machine recently and gotten a new foot petal to actually make the thing work.
I am going to pick up some yarn when I head up to Columbus at the end of July. I will go to Yarnmarket which is actually an online company but you can go to their warehouse and touch all the yarn and buy it from what I've read on Ravelry in the Cap City Group. So I will invest a little bit, but at least these stashes can be transformed into something usable.
I have met up with Linda from Ravelry. We went to the Tikki Hut, a bar at the Keowee Marina. It was very pleasant. We hope to continue a knit together and maybe have others join us. It is close to home which makes it very convenient. The other knit along is over 30 minutes away and is usually around the time that the traffic is the heaviest, besides the fact with the new scheduling at work, I wouldn't get out in time to go unless it was my day off.
I have started on finishing my embroidered pillow which has been in progress since 1975 or so. I guess it is time to get it completed. Some of my projects just take a little more time than others.