Wednesday, May 06, 2009

A View, A Waterfall, and A Tunnel

John had taken a vacation day for fishing, but I was off from work so Monday April 27th we decided to take a ride. First stop was Stumphouse Tunnel and Issoqueena Falls. We didn't have a flashlight so didn't venture too far into the tunnel. The falls were quite beautiful and since we have had rain recently, there was plenty of water. The place we actually were headed to was Woody Gap in Ga. It is 3000 ft. up and offers a spectacular view.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Food Swap

This is a collage of the gifts that I received from the mini food swap that I did with some friends on Ravelry.
The pie slices are divine and I love the radish, it is so unique. I have really had so much fun exchanging
with fellow needle workers all over the world. It seems that I am at the start of a collection of pie slices.
Of course, they are calorie free-YEAH! I am trying to finish up some of my UFO's this week. John is
in Maine working, so I hope to maybe get caught up with sewing and cleaning out more of my stuff.
I do have to work until 11 at night most of this week. I don't mind the 6 AM start times because I get
home with lots of time to relax and make dinner, wash, clean, knit, ect. Going in at 2 just kind of makes
for a long night especially since I usually start dozing off around 10 PM, but being at work won't allow
me that luxury. Oh well, that is retail for you.
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