I guess that I don't post too quickly here. Working on getting caught up on projects. I have cleaned out a bit in the garage, taking a couple of boxes to Goodwill and tossing out others. I will put things on ebay next week and take a few more things to Goodwill. After vacation, I will definitely get things on Etsy. It will be a bargain for the covers, I will go over and press and make sure all the totes, covers and bags are good for selling. I will also put bunnies, the wire basket, and other supplies on too. I suppose we are moving along slowly. I hope to start repairing things next year in preparation for getting our own home. New lampshades, recover chairs, tile the tables, repair the wooden chairs, ect.
I hope to finish up my sewing projects before vacation-bear clothes, porcelain doll outfit, wallet, pillow, monkey, shawl, and newest swap.
I'll keep on cleaning and also packing some things up so I am not having to dust so much. Next on the list is getting myself a laptop. The HP touch look interesting but that will be with my ebay and etsy sales.