Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Boy, I am tired, I am tired of the cold weather. I am also tired of having a cold for the past
week. It sure takes its toll on getting things done, the energy is just gone.
But, the good thing is that I received these wonderful tea themed gifts from
my friends in the Ravelry Pin Cushion Group-Karen, Dawn, and Monica. I have
been drinking a lot of tea and taking a lot of cold medicine. I am hoping to
finish up my last couple of swaps and get everything in the mail this week, a
bit late, but only by a week.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow in South Carolina

We had about 3" of snow Friday night Feb. 12th. It made for some tricky driving since they don't salt or treat the roads and there are some pretty steep hills.
It was melted by Saturday afternoon when the temps reached about 45 degrees.
We are looking at some crummy weather again Sunday evening.

Catching Up

Haven't written much lately. In December we had our knitting group Christmas Party.
A great time was had by all at Robyn's house. The gift exchange worked out so well.
Everyone is so creative. Sarah embroidered the most beautiful picture which I have hanging in the hall.