Saturday, June 09, 2012

Quick Knit

I actually got a top knitted in about 6 weeks!  I am almost finished, just binding off then blocking.  This is a record for me.  It is knit in the round which I totally love-no seaming.  I will make a second one with a different cable down the front I think. 

Looking Forward to the reception at the end of the month!  I need to get a bit more done around the house.  I still haven't gotten anything sold, but found that there is a huge Flea Market  quite close to home here.  It is the same as the one in SC on hwy 11.  I think that it would be much better than a garage sale.  I will have to do some checking into this, if we are still here.  Otherwise, I may have to pack it all up again and move some of it.