Saturday, June 09, 2012

Quick Knit

I actually got a top knitted in about 6 weeks!  I am almost finished, just binding off then blocking.  This is a record for me.  It is knit in the round which I totally love-no seaming.  I will make a second one with a different cable down the front I think. 

Looking Forward to the reception at the end of the month!  I need to get a bit more done around the house.  I still haven't gotten anything sold, but found that there is a huge Flea Market  quite close to home here.  It is the same as the one in SC on hwy 11.  I think that it would be much better than a garage sale.  I will have to do some checking into this, if we are still here.  Otherwise, I may have to pack it all up again and move some of it.  

Monday, February 20, 2012

Getting Down

I've started the 17 day diet (again).  Last year did well, got down a few pounds, then moving kind of through things for a loop and I went back to where I had begun.  I've lost ten pounds so far in about a month's time.  I will continue on until I reach my goal this year.  I haven't started to detrash yet, but I do need to get on that project also.  We need to find doctor's, ect. in our new location.  That is one reason why moving is such a pain.  I will travel back to SC to go to the dentist as he has one more cracked tooth to crown and I should be good to go.  Also, going back twice a year isn't such a bad thing.  I can visit and arrange my appointment so that I can also join the girls on Knit Night. 

Almost finished my mohair sweater, but ran out of yarn.  Waiting to hear from someone that is selling two skeins so that I can complete it.  There is so much fuzz and color that dye lots won't matter.  I did start on a new cowl.  Another goal is to use up a lot of my yarn stash and my fabric stash.

 I may cover the couch with a beige linen type upholstery fabric and then use the pieces of fabric that I had purchased for bags to use on the back cushions.  Even if we get a new couch, this one can be used in John's den.  I guess eventually we will need to buy another bed as a guest bed-probably a double bed so that it would be big for one person and adequate for two and not take up the entire room.  Or, we can get a sleep sofa, or use the airbed.  I guess we could always get a quality queen size airbed, so it wouldn't take up any space.  I'm not sure who would come to visit us anyways.  At least until we actually purchase a home.