Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Extreme Downsizing

There are extreme sports, extreme couponing(which I have done in the past) and now exteme downsizing. I was awestruck to read an article in the Wall Street Journal today May 9th that describes pretty much what I am very slowly trying to do. Get rid of as much clutter-well stuff-as possible. I sent off pictures and misc. papers and CD's to the kids last week. I have more to send off in another week or so. The author wrote about having very minimal things, less cleaning to do and more time for things that she wants to do. Now she was talking about being able to pick up and go at the drop of a hat in a way. I know that we will eventually move and I don't want to have to take all the tubs and boxes in the garage again although, I do want to bring down the rest of my things from Ohio to go through. Maybe this will help me to get motivated to start listing on ebay. Once I've exhausted that avenue and Etsy for the handmade items, then it will be either garage sales or the flea market, which would be an adventure.
Lots of jewelry, I think most of the Christmas decorations except for the glass ornaments, and lots of little things that I am not going to bother with ebay. I will also need to read more about selling on Etsy, especially supplies. I have picture frames, embroidery hoops, fabrics, and maybe lace and ribbons. I don't think that I will use much of the laces since I don't do doll dresses anymore. I will put the wedding gown in a space bag so that I can put it in the cedar chest and free up more space in the closet. I will use my yarns and fabrics for the most part without buying anything new. I will also vow to use up all the soaps, shampoos, lotions, and makeup. Whatever doesn't sell by the end of the year will be donated. So, by the end of the year, all of our bills will be paid off, we will have some liquid funds, have the house more cleaned and organized, be rid of all the stuff in the garage and closets as much as possible, be at our goal weight, have wills and papers together, reduced clutter and I think that should be enough to try to accomplish. I am cutting out that article and keeping it with me to keep me on track.

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