Monday, May 23, 2011

Heading for my Goal

My goal for May was to get between 195 and 200. I am at 196 this morning. Still have a couple of days to go and perhaps we can get below 195. Clothes are much looser and more comfortable to wear. June's goal will be to get between 185 and 195. If things slow down, I may add Alli to the mix. By the end of the year, I would like to be at 150, all clutter sold, donated, or tossed and debt gone. We are getting there and if anything, we'll be mighty close.

Knitting has been going slowly. I spend a lot more time reading and computing I guess. I would like to increase the amount that I have taken out for stocks and learn more about the market and maybe doing some buying and selling. Boy LinkedIn would have been a good one to buy low and sell high last week. I also need to start estimating what building a home through Lowe's discounts would cost compared to buying one already built and having to fix it up. It just seems to me, that building one with the savings that I get, would make more sense. Everything would be to our liking and be up to or above code, new and with warranties, and this would (I hope) be the last place we live in. Of course, we would need to find a nice lot first. Not to sure about the development thing. At least not one that is large with lots of rules and payments. It sounds like from hearing others talk that it can be a costly and messy business. With people arguing over which flowers to put around the signs, upkeep of roads, ect. I'm too old for that hassle. I just want peace and quiet and a little garden, lots of trees, and very little yard work. I don't want to have to have a pristine yard and fertilizers and all that bit again. At least not much of it. We'll see, but, first things first!

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